Not related much to your realtime co-editing vision, but I have really appreciated the upload/download to OpenClipArt feature in terms of allowing others to help with my projects even without necessarily knowing it, and me doing the same in turn for yet others. I guess my wishlist item would be for this existing feature to become just a module in a framework for other repositories to upload to and/or download from, in particular Wikimedia Commons.
Related to that is that more and more icon sets are appearing on NPM like:
A electron version of Inkscape could just add these as a dependency and include them in the symbols section or do what Gravit does and create a searchable interface for them. That would form Inkscapes installable set.
Then for dynamic sets or refactoring it's possible to build a Stackblitz like dependency management feature for vector graphics and whenever anyone releases a new NPM package containing SVG that could brought into Inkscape very easily. Inkscape dependency management for vector graphics ...
Inkscape could then become "THE" refactoring and feedback tool for all these svg icons sets.
All the use cases that Steve cited would also benefit from this type of approach.