On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 01:35:54 +0200, Aewyn <aewyn@...191...> wrote:
Working with lot's of semi transparent objects I ran a serious problem. I can't select an object underlaying objects, bacause at this moment the object upper is selected.
I can use tab to switch objects, but working with 100 object, it is impossible.
So it would be nice a view "wireframe", with possibility border selecting.
Wireframe view is in our plans, but not in the short term. Instead I just did what I wanted to do for a long time, hopefully it will help:
* Select Under: in Selector, clicking with Alt selects the object at cursor which is below (in z-order) the currently selected object at cursor; if the bottom object is selected, Alt+click again selects the top object. Thus, several Alt+clicks will cycle selection through the z-order stack at the click point. Combining Alt with Ctrl and Shift works, too. Note that on Linux, some window managers steal Alt+click, but Ctrl+Alt+click ("select under in groups") and Shift+Alt+click ("select under, add to selection") will still work.
And also as a helpful reminder,
* Pressing Alt, Ctrl, or Shift displays the function of these modifiers in the statusbar (only in Selector so far).
This is in CVS now.