Bill Baxter schrieb:
Amen. I thought they got rid of that "feature" a while back. I just tried it in gimp 2.2 on Win32 and it doesn't seem to work.
Then your install is broken. I have 2.2.13 on Linux and it still works as it should.
What they really needed was to make some sort of configuration dialog that could give proper feedback, check for conflicts, allow for canceling if you decide it's a bad idea or if it was really just your cat stepping on the keyboard, etc.
I have seen those dialogs. They are so huge, you can't use them, changing the mapping for a single key takes minutes! Most of the time, the items are sorted (so you can't search them by your knowledge of the menu order) or not sorted (so you can't find anything). Usually, you can't change the sort order, etc.
As I see it, this feature of Gimp is a milestone in usability. It's easy to use, simple and works. All the rest I've seen to far (jEdit, Word, Eclipse, some games) is crap, doesn't work and only frustrates me.
And you could still show a dialog after you notice a conflict but what for? It's useless. If you need the old mapping, just press a key and you're done. It can't be more easy. Well, as long as undo works for anything you can do with the menus. But there is no software where you can't undo anything anymore, right?