Hello everyone. Sorry to bother you again with something strange, but my actual project needs all of this... :)
Attached you will see an SVG and its PDF created via inkscape. At the end i will need to create it from commandline (all of this is about a PHP app, so i cannot consider the GUI), anyhow to test how things looks like in inkscape i also installed it locally (with GUI)
As you can see, the SVG file is a bit unusual: it contains a nested SVG graphics, using a G container to place and scale it as needed. That nested object can be everything, as users will be allowed to send their own SVG files.
Now: in inkscape GUI, it looks correctly. I also included in zip a png files which will show you how the design should be. But in the PDF the "Fire Dept." nested SVG is wrong, totally wrong... It seems inkscape renders it correctly while in GUI, but fills the external paths with black when converting to PDF.
Same results of course when i try (as i will need to do) with commandline. Export command i'm using now is: inkscape -z svgfile.svg --export-pdf=pdffile.pdf --export-text-to-path
Any suggestion on how to solve this? Maybe some SVG formatting i should recommend to my users?
Many thanks in advance,