18 May
18 May
2:42 p.m.
There is no means of scanning images directly into Inkscape. I've asked for this feature at SourceForge...
If all you want is a PDF version of a scanned image, then you could simply scan the image into GIMP and print to PDF (via cups-pdf or other PDF printer of your choice).
- Tony
----- Original Message ---- From: "anon trol" <anontrol@...155...>
Does anyone know if there's an easy way to grab an image with a scanner and use inkscape to "save to PDF"?
...I'm moving to linux-vile and I'm jonesing for an Acrobat Professional/Distiller "make pdf from scanner" replacement.
I don't even care if I have to convert raster data to vector data to do it... just give me my fix!