Thank you, it's ok now. The XML Editor still doesn't work, but I don't know if I need him. It's to technical for me.
So, the tab advise it's working. Right now I have one question: where can I find the wireframe view?
Pe data de Duminică 23 Ianuarie 2005 22:29, Jonathan Leighton a scris:
Okay, forget all the technical stuff I said, and just download Inkscape from here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/inkscape/inkscape-0.40-1.static.i386.rpm ?download
Then install it. You can do this from the console, but you'll need root priviliges. To go root you type "su", and then enter your root password. After that to install the RPM, you would type "rpm -Uvh inkscape-0.40-1.static.i386.rpm", assuming that you saved the RPM into your home directory (which is /home/username where "username" is your username).
Hope that helps.