Facundo Casco wrote:
Hi, I'm working with Inkscape to make some illustrations and noticed some little problem. When I import a png file it losses detail and looks blurred, I attach and image so you see what I'm talking about. Inkscape is a great program and I like it more every time I use it. That's why I want to learn to produce great work with it. Please if anyone knows what can I do to avoid this inconvenience let me know. Tnx.
I believe that the problem you're experiencing is that Inkscape is anti-aliasing your exported png. Unfortunately there is no control to turn AA off in our renderer.
The easiest solution that I personally could think of is to get everything setup how you want in inkscape, then hide/delete the image in inkscape, and export the remaining objects with a transparent canvas. Then you could open both the exported png (from inkscape) and the original image in an image editor such as Gimp and composite them back together there. It's a bit of a pain, but it's easiest way I can think to do it with the results you desire.
Anyone else have suggestions?