well the basics on mac have not been fixed. try extensions>pattern along path and you still get the python error

The fantastic lxml wrapper for libxml2 is required by inkex.py and therefore this extension. Please download and install the latest version from http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/lxml/, or install it through your package manager by a command like: sudo apt-get install python-lxml

FIVE bug fixes and this still does not work - it's so fantastic no one thought to actually install it or make it easy to install/write instructions for it.

so back to the workaround and most of these extensions doing nothing I guess.


On 18 July 2014 22:16, Josh Andler <scislac@...155...> wrote:

The Inkscape community is proud to announce the stable bug-fix release of Inkscape version 0.48.5. This is the fifth bug fix release for 0.48 and it contains over 60 bug fixes to improve stability and functionality on all platforms (over 190 for OS X since our last available package). Check out the release notes [1] for a summary of some of the fixes and improvements, the milestone page [2] for the full list of closed bug reports, or just jump right to downloading [3] your package for Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.

We will be focusing our efforts on 0.91 and are not currently planning any further bug-fix releases in the 0.48 series at this time. Stay tuned for more news!


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