Thank you Gian, that looks like the right font and have now installed it on my computer. I have now created a new file with just the year and need to figure out a way to create a white background and just stick it on top of the old year. Or maybe just a white square to cover up the year. I am getting too old to relearn how to use inkscape...... lol.
Joanne, did you see that there are tutorials inside Inkscape? May be worth looking at them to learn how to make a white rectangle. I think the basic tut will give you just the info you need for this (Help -> Tutorials).
Thanks to you too Maren, I followed your instructions and got to the point where it says remove the bitmat image but could see only one layer so guess something went wrong. I really only want to remove the year and keep the rest as it is. I did create it originally in inkscape a few years ago, drawing and all......... if only I could remember how I did it, I would be very happy.
It could be that there are two objects lying one above the other. Grab one and shove it to the side to see if there's another one below. If there are not two, look at the status line at the bottom and tell us what it's saying when you try to vectorize the bitmap.
Regards, Maren