20 Jun
20 Jun
11:48 p.m.
On 6/20/07, Andy Richardson <andy@...2022...> wrote:
I have just started using Scribus for page layout and have had an issue with the import of an SGV created in Inkscape. The image has two lines of text running along two separate curves. When I import the SVG into Scribus I get a message that tells the "SVG file contains unsupported features" and the resulting import has broken the text away from the paths. Are there text/path features in Inkscape which are non-standard or is this a Scribus problem? Interestingly enough an import of the same image when saved as an EPS imports fine.
Any ideas? Andy
Read the FAQ: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ#What_about_flowed_text.3F