I don't think there's enough people on this list so a request for help "with Windows and in German" will work. I'm German, but not a Windows user so for now I've translated the email, if someone knows a solution I can translate that back. I'm also asking questions below (in German) suggesting to "pip install lxml", asking about installation sources for Inkscape and Python and whether this error was always there.
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First thing is the error message. The error seems to stem from (looking at my own Inkscape) the line
inkex.py:113:    from lxml import etree
They're using Inkscape "09.1" (assuming that's supposed to be 0.91?) on Windows 10.
The pictures show they're using the Interpolate extension, with settings Exponent 0.0, Interpolation steps 7, Interpolation method 2, Duplicate endpaths True, Interpolate syle True, but if I understand the email correctly this happens with all extensions. (Makes sense since it doesn't seem to be anything specific, pointing back to inkex.py.)
---- snip ----
Meine Fragen an Dich:
- Wie hast du Inkscape ursprünglich installiert?
- Was passiert, wenn du libxml installierst? (pip install lxml) War für mich zwar bei Python dabei, aber ich hab auch ein anderes Betriebssystem.
- Auf welchem Weg hast du Python installiert?
- War der Fehler immer schon da, oder erst neulich?
- Signatur mit Werbung braucht man hier nicht...

Liebe Grüße, all the best,

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 11:29 PM, gruhler <gruhler@...3257...> wrote:
The fantastic lxml wrapper for libxml2 is required by inkex.py and therefore this extension. Please download and install the latest version from http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/lxml/, or install it through your package manager by a command like: sudo apt-get install python-lxml

Technical details:
cannot import name etree

Bei allen Erweiterungen

Windows 10
Inkscape 09.1

Wer kann bei Windows und in deutsch helfen?

Gruß Paul

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