3 May
3 May
2:32 a.m.
Quoth MenTaLguY <mental@...32...> on or about Sun, 02 May 2004 19:29:19 -0400:
Now that we're using Gtk2, "normal" font installation is easy even on Unix (put your fonts in ~/.fonts).
Would anyone object if we removed support for the "private-fonts" file? I don't think we have a need to maintain our own font installation/management mechanism anymore.
OT: That's only for .ttf fonts, right? Once I tried putting cmatrix.psf in ~/.fonts and doing a mkfontdir, but it didn't seem to be recognized (by xterm -fn <foo>).
<foo>I'll probably just go into work next week and kill everyone.
<bar>I do that all the time.