Bom dia, Norberto,
Eu não falo espanhol mas consigo entender um pouco. Meu nome é Silvana e moro em São Paulo, Brasil. Estou interessada em participar de uma lista sobre Inkscape em espanhol.
Good morning,
I don't speak spanish but I can understand it a little. My name is Silvana and I live in São Paulo, Brazil. I'm interested in joining a spanish-wrote Inkscape list.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Guillermo Movia" <guillermo.movia@...155...> To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 10:34 AM Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] I have much communication with people who use Corel of Spanish speech.
Estuve hablando con la gente de Inkscape y me dijeron que lo mejor para hacer la lista en español era justamente esto. Mandar un mail preguntando quienes quisieran participar, y en caso de ser muchos, se armaría una lista oficial de inkscape en castellano.
Esperemos que haya más gente que se sume a la idea. Yo no soy un usuario experto en inkscape, pero me gustaría avanzar.
2005/9/6, Norberto Periz <nperiz@...155...>:
Good morning I do not speak ingles, single Castilian. This writing and I translate it by: http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Alive in Buenos Aires, Argentina and desire to form a group of speech in Spanish. It can be good for knowing if there is now a group of Spanish speech. If I do not exist I can do it. But I need the support You. and which the use of http://babelfish.altavista.com/ is included/understood I have much communication with people who use Corel of Spanish speech. Waiting for your answer. Greetings Norberto Periz