Nicu Buculei wrote:
Maarten van der Velde wrote:
Hey Nico, I guess that's the issue. For me it looks like Jelle used Arial, which is not by default installed in Linux. Did you install it once and the loose it along the line?
If the specific font is not available then the application will replace it with something else, based on a guess and what is available.
The text used in those documents is like this (note font-family:Courier 10 Pitch, and this is the same for *all* text objects): style="font-size:9.00000095px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:end;line-height:120.00000477%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:end;fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
If there were supposed to be some different fonts, then is a problem and the SVG may be already damaged. He may need an older version or some manual work to repair.
The fontstype is correct, Courier 10 Pitch is the one, I thought this one was installed and floss on every system, thats why I choose it in the first place.
The file seems to be correct and undamaged like it was when i created it.
I know the stroke is a bit strange I did this to make the fonts a bit thicker, but this want not needed.
I am also extremely sorry I send the wrong *.pdf file in the previous email. This was the file I got back from my printer. They does not support non adobe software. I am still looking for a good printer that support other software in the Netherlands.
I attached the correct *.pdf file in this message.
Kind regards,
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Nicu Buculei Jelle de Jong wrote:
I created some artwork a while back ago, and needed to create a new version of it. So I opened the *.svg documents but the text is wrong. All text is is put on the same character.
The same *font*?