Hi, all.
I use Inkscape 0.48 in a MacBook with OSX 10.6.5 (Snow Leopard). My X11 server is XQuartz 2.3.6 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple56). My system is configured in Portuguese (Brazilian) language with an US-International keyboard. Character set is UTF-8 for this matter. In any other application accented characters and cedilla works fine. On Inkscape, however, I can't type 'ç' (c with cedilla). When I try to do so the Inkscape prints an accented c: 'ć'. Others characters are fine, this happens only with cedilla.
In this kind of keyboard the accents are produced using two keys sequence. The a acute (á) is produced typing single-quote followed by a. The same is used to type an e acute (é), single-quote followed by e. To type a c with cedilla (ç) the same single-quote followed by c works in any software and system (I also use Inkscape 0.48 on a Windows XP machine) but in the Mac it is printing c with an acute accent (ć).
Any one knows how to solve this?
Alessandro Antonello