Mmmm. I get the idea that our big expenses are hosting events, hackfests. Everything else is relatively minor.
I'm not clear on what we would do if we scale up, but it sounds like we would hire programmers to fix "less sexy items".
So is that what we're talking about? Starting to have employees? I can't think of anything else that would need order of $100 000. And, if you could fill me in on other things employees might do, that would be appreciated.
On Mon 18 Mar 2019 21:52 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 04:56:11PM -0400, doctormo@...155... wrote:
On Sun, 2019-03-17 at 13:47 -0700, Andrew Kurn wrote:
Why does Inkscape need money?
The low budget requirements are for things like hackfest travel, hotels, stickers, posters, hardware, DNS, trademark registration, legal defense, (and then accountancy because of said needs for money).
Depending on the source of money, there can be lots of things Inkscape could do with a good budget. We've been using money for a long time now.
. . .
everything that needs done, particularly for the less sexy items, and some stuff is just completely out of everyone's wheelhouse so never gets tackled.
FY2017 $43,932.18 $-4,772.44 $39159.74 $80905.74 FY2018 $64,687.41 $-23,314.87 $41372.54 $122278.28
For FY2019, estimate $10k expense for the Pasadena hackfest, and probably another $10-15k for the one in Saarbrücken this May.