bulia byak wrote:
Now that the Eraser tool is in SVN for quite some time, what do people think of it? Is it useful? In what mode do you use it, if at all?
Disclaimer: as you may remember I was against this tool from the beginning, considering it redundant. Its Delete mode is equivalent to Alt+drag followed by Del in Selector, and its Cut mode is now equivalent to Alt+drag in Calligraphic pen which I just added:
- When drawing with <b>Alt</b>, Inkscape <b>subtracts</b> the path you
have created from the selected path (with <b>Shift</b>, it adds to the selected path). This allows you to quickly patch or fix problems in a stroke you have drawn without leaving the tool.
So, do we really have to spend the prime toolbar space on a tool which does what other tools already do?
I haven't been using it, because I only use the packages provided in Ubuntu, and they don't have it. I'm not sure you can draw any conclusions with the small amount of people that use SVN compared to Inkscape userbase.
Lack of Eraser tool has always been the most lacking feature in Inkscape - but that's because I'm not doing technical diagrams and such all the time. When using a drawing tablet in calligraphy mode, you're always looking for an Eraser, because other methods don't feel natural. Actually, that's one of the missing features where you feel Inkscape isn't adapted for drawing tablets (note I didn't say "isn't suited" - Inkscape in Calligraphy mode is one of - if not the - most natural feeling drawing programs in Linux).
Alt+anything doesn't work, because the Alt key is the key used to move a window on my DE. Also, I'm not sure how using a mouse would make it suddenly more natural, but when using a drawing tablet I'd hardly say having to press a button (or an ExpressKey©) when drawing with the other hand is the way to go.
Toolbar space is prime, but having a natural eraser is priceless. Also, if one day Inkscape support assigning different tools for each input device, we'll definitely get a use for pencil erasers. Pen tip = Calligraphic Pen Eraser = Eraser Mouse = Paint Bucket
If I was only in technical drawings / drawings with a mouse I'd say an Eraser is useless. For natural drawing, where you're constantly drawing/erasing, it's a huge improvement.