On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:03:19 -0400 Steve Litt <slitt@...2357...> wrote:
Hi all,
I have a 2 page document (an evaluation form), and because spacing was very important, I used Inkscape instead of LibreOffice, LyX, LaTeX, etc. This two page document must print on both sides of the paper, so I'd imagine it must end up as a PDF.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/ seems to indicate that I can do this natively in Inkscape by installing a plugin. I'm a little worried ways that a plugin might affect my normal Inkscape usage.
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Multipage itself indicates that Inkscape itself doesn't implement multiple pages, because the current SVG spec doesn't support it.
http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=519 reiterates that current Inkscape doesn't support multiple pages, and suggests I use two different Inkscape docs, and desktop publish them with Scribus.
All I really need is a 2 page portrait letter-sized PDF, and I'll figure out how to print it duplexed. I have no problem with making two different Inkscape docs. I'm a little concerned about putting letter-sized SVG's into Scribus or LibreOffice or any other "container".
Anyone have any ideas of the best way for me to make a 2 page PDF out of one or two Inkscape files?
So I ended up making a 2 page blank LibreOffice text document, letter sized, portrait, all four margins set to 0, for which I had to say "yes" to an "are you sure you want to print outside the printer margins" question. My .svg files each had a 1/2" margin all the way around, so the part that printed would be blank anyway.
Then I imported the obverse onto page 1, and the reverse onto page 2, and each exactly covered the page. I saved it, printed thirty copies with LibreOffice's printer set to duplex-notumble, and it worked perfectly.
Ugly, but it did what I needed done :-)
I'll be on the lookout for multipage Inkscape in the years to come.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Steve Litt * http://www.troubleshooters.com/ Troubleshooting Training * Human Performance