On 04/14/2016 12:05 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 04/13/2016 07:08 PM, Arlo Barnes wrote:
I am curious why you picked the vector tool Inkscape, since it seems like you are marking up a raster image, which GIMP can certainly do.
Hi Arlo,
I am a Linux shop. I am a consultant for hire: Linux, Windows, MAC.
I was at a graphics design shop doing some networking. I watched a designer use Quark to create a wedding invitation. I remembered see an article on Linux Fedora and a graphics designer who used Inkscape and is now an all Linux shop.
So I gave it a try and a layout for a graphics I need to configure eMail with Cobian Backup. I was pleasantly surprised at it ease of use, although I had to look everything up to start with. Didn't managed to get "erase" down and had to ask. But got everything else down in rapid order.
GIMP and I have a checkered history. I use it mainly for screen shots. I find GIMP so EXCRUCIATINGLY difficult to use, it drives me around the bend.
Interesting, I asked the graphic designer who was having problems to bring up his drawing in his "editor" (quark it turned out) and he didn't know what I was talking about. (His million dollar printer kept archives of his print jobs so he could reprint a will. He had a bad job in the queue and it was interesting getting him to recreate it from his editor.)
Oh you know what, I just took a screenshot with GIMP, copied it into the clipboard (from GIMP) and pasted it into Inkscape. Huh. Cool. Didn't have to save the buzzard to disk. I have done this a lot with Libre Office, so it should have been obvious. Learned something new! :-)