Maybe it just says that you could design for Eddie Bauer or Patagonia if you use Inkscape -- and that's worth a lot to attract new users.  If you're not a new user, I doubt you'll give this screen a second look once the contest is over.  So it's just advertising - and does a great job (as do many of the others)


On Jan 7, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Bill Baxter wrote:

I don't know if this is appropriate to ask or not, but what's with the
zipper in number 11?
A lot of people seem to like this one.  I agree it is a nicely
executed design and quite aesthetically pleasing but how does a zipper
tie into Inkscape?  It looks more like an add for Eddie Bauer or
Patagonia to me.  It certainly doesn't say "drawing program" to me.


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