Please explain further?


---- On Sat, 04 Jun 2016 22:01:59 +0000 C R<cajhne@...155...> wrote ----
Martin was being silly when saying "frankenscience" repo. Indeed, that's not what I want.

There is already a guides extension that ships with Inkscape that has most of the features of yours.
Your code could be used as part of this existing extension as a staple tool of Inkscape and not yet one more extension that will eventually be lost in the sea of Inkscape extensions. 

There's an opportunity here to patch the existing extension to add your new features to it.
It's up to you though.


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 8:38 PM, ugajin <ugajin@...3218...> wrote:

I hope to never turn out a frenkenscience repo. So guides... won't ship.

The soon to be released update version, provides a few minor adjustments, and improvements including a fresh UI.


---- On Thu, 02 Jun 2016 15:46:51 +0000 Martin Owens<doctormo@...155...> wrote ----

 > On Thu, 2016-06-02 at 15:29 +0000, ugajin wrote:
 > > Do you mean, put them into a shared wrapper? If so you could do that.
 > He means re-code both extensions so they contain and exhibit the
 > features of both combined. He wants them to be bread together in a
 > frakenscience repository of one glorious amalgamated extension.
 > Always check the license and practice safe merging everyone!
 > Although it sounds, ugajin, like you have finished working on the
 > extension and need a little rest before doing anything quite that
 > energetic. So mull it over and if you'd like the extension features
 > included into every inkscape we ship, then a merge will be a
 > prerequisite.

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