- select the faulty text, open the xml editor and check what the font
attributes are (name, weight etc.)
these are the attributes: I'm using Culrz MT font-size:98.06591034px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#ff8080;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Curlz MT
- check wether you see the font in the text and font palette (even if it's
not used in the document)?
The font does not show up in the font palette
If you get a ttf font in a regular format (ttf extension) Inkscape should be able to see it. Inkscape has issues with fonts in the dfont format and with Microsoft Font Suitcases (no visible extension). If you install the font on your Mac the regular way (double click and click install), Inkscape should have acces to it. To force the refresh of the font library on startup, delete a file via a command in Terminal: rm ~/.inkscape/.fccache-new Inkscape will rebuild the font cache on next startup.
I tried forcing the font library refresh on both versions of Inkscape, original dmg and the new one, to no avail. I searched for the font Curlz under finder and it shows up in the Fonts directory... I noticed there are several other fonts that are in the fonts directory but dont show up in Inkscape. -Thanks-