On 03.12.2013 16:43, Anna Morris wrote:
So, some a question - which features would you just LOVE to see in Inkscape? What is missing?
1. Being able to manipulate centers of rotation like objects. Example: I have a square and a circle, both apart from each other. I want to set the center of rotation of the circle to the center of the square (and EXACTLY there, i.e. use the "align and distribute" tool or something like that).
2. Have the ability to have subscript and superscript in text.
3. Tiled clones: Having the numeric fields round off to 1 digit after the decimal point is RIDICULOUS and horribly stupid. Remove that arbitrary restriction. If I want 64 rotated clones, I NEED to enter 5.625° because 5.6° will just not work.
4. Better (documented) "tiled clone" functionality. Either it's broken of sort or WAY too complicated to figure out. Example: I have a square and a circle. I would like to have 12 circles, rotated exactly around the square (like a watch). So I place the center of rotation of the circle in the center of the square (see #1 BTW). Then Clone -> Create tiled clones. P1, 30°, 11 rows. This is the result:
Why? The first clone (right below the original) is translated, but I didn't specify that. I wanted rotation only. Why is it below the original then? I don't get it.
Oh well. Let's see what happens. Sorry about the rant, this cloned tiles functionality is really grinding my gears.
Kind regards, Johannes
PS: All of the above refers to Inkscape 0.48.