Dear Eya,
You must be very careful integrating Inkscape into anything. It's GPLv2 Licence requires that your client's system also be GPL andyou should consult a copyright lawyer to make sureof what you're allowed o do.
Brest Regards, Martin Owens
On Wed, 2019-08-14 at 10:35 +0100, Eya Loukil wrote:
Allow me to start by introducing myself, I'm Eya LOUKIL a junior consulting at "Yasmine Engineering Systems " a private Tunisian software Integrator editor. For years now we have been using Inkscape and finding it quite helpful. Lately we thought about integrating a similar version to Inkscape in our platform for our clients to use and we were wondering if there's anything you can to help us do that. Sincerely, Eya LOUKIL
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