On 02/10/10 12:11, ~suv wrote:
On 2/10/10 12:04, ~suv wrote:
On 2/10/10 10:50, Jannetta Steyn wrote:
Have you tried putting the background objects on the root layer (always visible, accessible via XML Editor), and export using '--export-id' but omitting '--export-id-only' so that the visible background elements below the selected layer are rendered into the exported bitmap as well?
*embarrassed* scrap that - you'd still need to toggle the layer visibility in-between.
Another thought: take look at the export options of JessyInk (part of Inkscape 0.48 [1]) and the python script it is based on. Maybe you can reuse it to create your own export extension? JessyInk also uses a global background layer (for the presentation).
[1] JessyInk Homepage http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/ Exporting: http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/wiki/Export
Hi Jannetta:
If I understand your question correctly, JessyInk should pretty much exactly do what you need.
The following steps should get you the result you want: 1) Install JessyInk in your image [1]. 2) Set your background slide [2]. 3) Export your image (for reasons explained on the wiki page, this is a two stage process) [3].
Should you have any problems, feel free to contact me. Alternatively, as ~suv mentioned, it should be fairly easy to modify the JessyInk export extension to suit your needs.
Cheers, Hannes
[1] Installation http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/wiki/Installation (If your are using Inkscape 0.48 you can directly jump to the last step. [2] Master slide http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/wiki/masterSlide [3] Exporting http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/wiki/Export (as ~suv mentioned)