Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 06:29:21AM -0600, Aaron Spike wrote:
Bryce Harrington wrote:
- All Inkscape GSoC projects this year must be implemented as extensions, with no changes required to Inkscape's core
I agree whole-heartedly with the premise. I was recently expressing my feelings that the need for the codebase to be in good shape for GSoC has discouraged us from doing serious refactoring. But is condition 1 really feasible? Seems like a very limiting condition. Will it implementing projects as extensions really allow developers to bang away at major refactoring? Or will we still feel the need to hold off, because any major breakage will still cause problems with extensions?
I was thinking we'd ask that they develop against the 0.46.x release, which would avoid these issues.
0.46!?!? That's so old.
Perhaps we could encourage students to take on refactoring tasks as projects. I really can't see the wisdom in making artificial restrictions. Decisions on a case by case basis seems best. That said, the refactoring that needs to be done is very important for moving forward. And it is best to make it a priority.
Aaron Spike