
Just a thought (and I'm not able to test for myself at the moment), but does the behaviour change if you use copy/paste rather than duplicate? I've noticed that a lot of things that are implemented under the hood as links to other parts of the SVG maintain the link to the original version if you duplicate, but create a new copy if you copy/paste.

I've been experiencing it with LPEs whilst writing my most recent tutorial articles, but as gradients are implemented as a link to the <defs> section of the SVG it might have a similar effect. If you've been mixing duplicate and copy/paste without thinking too much about it, it might explain the intermittent nature of the issue.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Brynn <brynn@...3147...9...> wrote:
The lock icon is an open lock (unlocked).

Actually I had never even noticed that button before.  I probably would have
guessed it to be a canvas control for that option in Inks Prefs.

But anyway, it's unlocked.

Thanks again  :-)

From: "Maren Hachmann" <maren@...3112...>
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 6:12 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] "sharing gradients" include stops?

> Hi Brynn,
> just an idea:
> Is the little lock icon in the gradient tool active? When you create a
> gradient with that lock activated, then all derived gradients will share
> the common gradient definition, no matter if you've selected the other
> thing in your preferences or not (at least that's how I understand it).
> Kind regards,
> Maren
> Am 03.02.2016 um 03:44 schrieb Brynn:
>> Hi Friends,
>>        I'm just working in gradients....well really for the first time
>> since 0.91.  And I'm not sure if I'm seeing a problem, or if I just
>> don't understand something.  I've searched LP, but I sometimes I don't
>> understand the info in the reports.  Plus, my search skills aren't that
>> great either.
>>        I have Prevent Sharing Gradients checked in Inkscape Preferences.
>> Steps to reproduce:
>> -- draw a rectangle
>> -- apply flat color
>> -- click F/S dialog > Fill tab > Linear gradient
>> -- switch to Gradient tool
>> -- adjust beginning and ending stops' positions, color and/or opacity
>> -- duplicate the rectangle
>> -- add extra stops to the gradient in the duplicate rectangle
>> -- switch back to Selection tool to move it over and notice that the F/S
>> shows 2 of the same gradient
>> -- switch back to Gradient tool, select the original rectangle and
>> notice that stops were also added to that gradient
>>        I've repeated the steps around 10 times.  Twice, a 2nd gradient
>> was created.  But all the other times, stops were added to the gradient
>> in the original rectangle, and the F/S dialog showed 2 of the same
>> gradient (as if it was shared gradient).
>>        I don't know why it works differently sometimes.
>>        I'm also not sure if stops being added to the gradient in the
>> original rectangle makes it a "shared definition".  I think it does.  To
>> me, the moment the rectangle is duplicated, and 2nd gradient should show
>> up in the F/S dialog.
>>        I've attached a test file, where I've repeated the steps at least
>> 8 times (although only the result of the last test is showing there)
>> (the other tests were in a different file).
>>        Every single time I take the next step, which is to apply a
>> color/opacity to one of the new stops in the gradient in the duplicated
>> rectangle, the seemingly shared gradient splits into 2.  So eventually
>> it gets to the correct place.  But I think it should get there the
>> moment the object with the gradient is duplicated.  Is there some reason
>> why it shouldn't?
>>        This is happening on Windows 7, 64-bit; Inkscape 0.91, 32-bit,
>> exe installer.  And I'll test in 0.91, 64-bit....  Yes, I have the same
>> result in 64-bit, which was 7z version.  I could also test in 0.48.5.
>>        Oh, and I just downloaded a dev version for another problem.
>> I'll try there....  Yes, same thing there too, which is
>> Inkscape-14574.7z which 0.91.1, 64-bit for Windows.
>>        Is this already reported?  Or is there some reason why this is
>> correct behavior?
>> Thank you very much :-)
>> brynn
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