On 2007-February-14 , at 23:39 , Elwin Estle wrote:
I tried to export a graphic I created in Inkscape to eps. It worked, sort of. It seemed to trash my gradients, making them solid,
eps does not support transparency so if your gradient were from a solid color to some more transparent color (the default) they will be suppressed. The workaround is to pick the actual color you see at the end of the gradient (ie. the color mixed with the background, without it's alpha channel) with the color picker tool, to paint a temporary object with it and to use this solid color as the endpoint of the gradient.
and it looked like there was no anti aliasing.
I guess this has something to do with your postscript viewer: some antialias more than others. which program do you use? (gs typically antialiases less than evince if I remember well)
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/