ryan lerch wrote the following on 06/19/2007 06:28 PM:
If you are looking for inkscape tutorials, i am building up a list of ones that i find at http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com .
i have posted around 28 so far, but there are heaps more that i have in the pipeline, but not pubished yet. (i dont want to swamp the planet.inkscape.org)
also, i try to keep track of the tutorials that have been translated into other languages and provide links to the translated tutorials...
so if you find a tutorial and it appears that i have not posted it or if you find a translation of an exisiting tutorial send me an email...
Richard Querin and I are nearly ready to go live with our new website. Our website is a collection of Inkscape screencasts that are already on YouTube but in higher resolutions and a downloadable format. I just recorded another screencast today and I know Richard has a few on his mind.
Keep in mind that our new website is a little rough around the edges and probably will be for a while. We have had to learn a few things along the way. Audio and video quality will get better in the future.
As soon as it's ready I'll let you know...if you are still interested.