OK, the gradients convert using SVG, but the fonts and layers have problems. I can probably work with that by deleting all unrelated layers and saving one layer at a a time, then try finding commonalities between Linux and Windows fonts before designing.
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 22:02:34 +0200, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann@...2251...> wrote:
have you tried to directly open the SVG file in Illustrator? This usually works best when going from Inkscape to Illustrator. You'll need a newer Illustrator CS2 or CS3. They should import the SVGs just fine, including gradients, patterns, groups, etc.
Anthony Tekatch wrote:
Can gradient fills be exported to Adobe Illustrator file type?
Gradients seem to be totally lost, and a bitmap cannot be converted to ai without a Ghostscript error: GPL Ghostscript SVN PRE-RELEASE 8.61: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
I am using Inkscape version 0.45.1-1 (Debian install)