On 21/10/2007, Maarten van der Velde <Maarten.van-der-Velde@...2171...> wrote:
Okay, this might get a little off-topic, but I was wondering if it is possible to design characters for a language one is not literate in?
Certainly! Doing a complex script is one of the big parts of the Masters degree I'm doing (see http://www.typedesign.rdg.ac.uk) and apparently non-literate designers can do better work, because they have to be more careful and study the details of the letterforms more than a literate person.
Thinking of asian (f.e. Chinese) calligraphy, I remember that there was a lot ado about the balance and the harmony (etc.) of a character.
That's true for all scripts! :-)
Don't get me wrong: this is no critique, just sheer curiosity from a font-fetishist... :D