On Tuesday 27 February 2007 16:51, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Just to give some visibility into some of the work bubbling away these days:
Cairo renderer: Bulia has taken point on investigation of conversion to Cairo. Some tough problems have been uncovered but we're gaining a clearer picture of what needs done. Presently this looks like it will require an all at once brute force approach, rather than incremental refactoring. If so, we'll need to reach a decision on how to undertake that while minimizing disruption to SVN HEAD users.
Build system: There is definitely a concensus that our current build system sucks. Options include CMAKE, Bob's buildtool, or just a cleaned up automake. We really need to have interested parties mind meld and find a single solution.
The only problem with the current build system is that too many items are not included either in the build file itself or the libs of many systems. For example there is the special garbage collector software. If that is always required, but seldom found, then it should be integrated in the build file. Similarly all the special libraries needed from the Gnome distro should be included for those of us that don't have Gnome installed.
I use Slackware 11 version of Linux. It took me a long time to find the Dropline distro, which finally adds all those pesky libraries that Inkscape needs and current Slackware doesn't have.
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