Donn <donn.ingle@...125...> writes:
Well, thanks for the effort anyway man!
Okay -- I have something. (BTW I can't reach you on your hotmail email for some reason)
I changed the g2png.py code -- hacking like a blind monkey without savvy It will now save ALL groups on a named layer (defaults to 'slices') out to a single PNG. I called it lg2png cos it's "Layer of Groups to Png"
I re-read your OP and I'm not really sure what you want it to do; I hope this one does it but, if not, you can use this new script along with the original to get some idea.
Thanks again for the effort, and sorry to have bothered you. what I wanted was for the script to export a number of PNG files from that layer, not just a large single one. So, sorry I made you work for nothing :( I think maybe I'll try to contact the guy who wrote the extension.