On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Daniel Klein wrote:
Aaaaaaand an active mailing list with developers posting. God wants me to get addicted to this thing.
Btw, would there be an easy way of doing something like "Okay, I have a page, I want there to be black horizontal line at 20%, 20%, 40% and 20% of the page height and the first row should have vertical lines at 33.333% and 33.333%."? The way I did it now was just to look at coordinates, gave the page 600 pixels width and placed the vertical lines at 200 and 400 respectively.. is there a more convenient way of doing this? Especially if the percentages and widths should become more demanding for my poor brain..
Yes, play with the 'Align & Distribute' dialog. I find it verrrry nice for doing precision layout quickly. You don't even have to think about percentages - just draw your N lines, and make sure the top and bottom ones are at the spots you want them, then distribute/align the rest.
Daniel Díaz and Trent Buck wonderfully answered me already. It was just the white background of the page that was missing. Unless you think that's TOO simple, maybe we could put that into a FAQ on your Wiki?
Sure, go for it, good idea, the FAQ could probably use some fleshing out a bit.
I have the unique perspective of 'clueless first time user', and boy do I feel valuable :P I'm just not too sure if that isn't TOO basic for a FAQ, which is why I haven't done anything to the Wiki yet.
I doubt anything's *too* basic, but don't worry too much about getting stuff wrong in the Wiki; someone will come along later and correct if needed.
Oh yes I have. One of the first things I did. I asked a friend about SVG drawing programs (he has a birth defect: he knows everything. Seriously. Pulled the names sodipodi and inkscape out of his ass), so I browsed a bit and saw that comic. There went another few 'wow' moments. I was asking myself 'what great things could you do with this if you invested the time' while I was going through the two tutorials (btw, you might want to mention that 'select all' on one of the tutorials MIGHT take a while.. there was a passage that mentioned doing a select all, I tried it out with the tutorial still as my active document and Inkscape went unresponsive for ~30 seconds on my Athlon TB 1200 / 512MB RAM..
Yeah, others have reported that the tutorials tend to illuminate some of the performance issues we've got on some platforms. Some developers have looked at how to optimize this, so there's definitely some thinking going on there. Bulia is planning to update the tutorials prior to the release, so if the issue still exists at that time, perhaps he'll add a mention.