I start this as a new thread to avoid misunderstanding and to give it a better titel for others to find answers easier.
It's basically what I posted in "[Inkscape-user] When is the next version due?".
I have a linux from scratch. gtk 2.10.13, poppler-0.5.91. svn inkscape Revision: 15884. I do ./autogen.sh; configure; make. Configure is happy with my system and also with my poppler-0.5.91. poppler-0.5.91 has the header files that can't be found during inkscape make but these seem to be headers only for compilation of poppler or poppler at least does not install them. Telling inkscape configure about the sources of poppler helps but then the make gets stuck because some includes in the poppler-headers are local ones which then of course don't resove. I couldn't find any hint about some special poppler install in the docs but as it is brand new developpment docs are often behind. I just wonder if and then how someone made a complete make with poppler used with current svn so far?
Regards, Lynx