That did it!  Just what I was looking for... I guess I should've gone through a basic tutorial first showing me the tools :P  I appologize for that.

Thank you very much.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 12:19 AM, ricardo lafuente <bollecs@...2545...> wrote:

> I'm an Inkscape newbie (but not to vector graphics GUIs).  I've found
> a great (and short) tutorial on simulating engravings with Inkscape (
> I'm sure most of you have read/seen it, so I hope someone can help me
> out on this.  I've been following all the steps without any trouble
> up to "Thinning/thickenning".  When I press ALT and drag the cursor
> (either with Wacom pen or mouse) I get a new path, no thickenning or
> thinning anywhere... I've tried it right after drawing the paths,
> after unselecting and selecting them, after unselecting and selecting
> just one, with the mouse, the pen, the eraser,... getting always de
> same result.  On the status bar I get the hint inviting me to press
> ALT+drag, but won't work for me...

the same happens to me here. Not sure what could be wrong with the ALT
combination (devs, help us :)

> Any clues on what's going on and why can't I use this promising tool?! can get the promising functionality using the various modes of
the Tweak tool right below the node editing tool (Shift+F2)!
