Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 12:16:13PM +0200, Michal ?erav?k wrote:
Hi all,

how can I specify custom page format for saved pdf?
It has always A4 size.  (the rest of graphics is cropped)


Hi Michal,

Did you work this out?  I've not messed around with this much myself but
expect that setting the page dimensions via Document Preferences ought
to do it.  If not, let us know how you worked around it.  Or, if it
didn't work, could you make sure there is a bug report for this issue?


Hi, I must convert all text to curves, save to svg,
import to scribus and save pdf from here.
Then It works.
Saving pdf from Inkscape propagates A4 for any size of canvas.
How can I make sure if it is reported?
