On 10/25/2014 04:36 PM, Brynn wrote:
... If I apply a pattern fill to an object, and I scale that object with either Selection tool or Transform dialog, the pattern is scaled, along with the object. However, if I scale the object by moving nodes, the pattern stays the same size, and just gets different boundaries. ...Why doesn't the pattern get scaled, when nodes are moved, like it does when scaled with Selection tool or Transform dialog?
Essentially this is indeed expected behaviour. When you change the size of an object (a path) by moving its nodes, this is not interpreted as a change in size, but rather a change in shape. This is most obvious for general paths, but carries over to squares and other "shapes".
Note that there is also a button to prevent patterns from getting scaled when you resize an object. (It is often quite useful to resize/transform an object without affecting the pattern.)