On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 07:36:09AM +0200, Karol Krenski wrote:
I am interested in having an option to start inkview fullscreen + have left/right mouse buttons change slides. I could try to code that. I can see inkscape got --slideshow option - are there plans to integrate inkview into inkscape? I hope not.
It should be fairly easy to get into hacking on the inkview code, it's fairly concise. Adding options should be relatively straightforward too, but let us know if you have questions.
We've gone back and forth about whether or not to merge inkview into inkscape, vs. keeping it separate but making it able to use more of inkscape's internals. We have no solid plans regarding inkview at this point, and I suspect its future direction is going to be largely driven by the desires of whomever decides to spend some time working on it.
So... if you have some good ideas for improving it, have at it! :-)