Hi Bernhard,
could you rather attach the svg and the pdf? (or if they are too large, you could use a file hoster or move over to inkscapeforum.com, where attachments are possible. Might need to be zipped, though).
As a possible cause you could check for by yourself, I could think of a bug with clip masks and pdf export in the current Inkscape version.
So: Are the png's you imported clipped? (select and look into status bar. If they are grouped, make sure to also check the group they are in for clip masks).
(Btw: is it the pituitary gland?)
Viele Grüße, Maren
Am 12.12.2015 um 21:41 schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
I have a figure with 4 levels and different types of elements on these levels. the important part is a png image where I removed the background to have colour shining through. However I donot succeed in saving the svg file and exporting it to pdf: the png figure is not shown. Do you have any idea what triggers this behaviour? Other similar files are properly saved and exported. Enclosed are two screenshots to show what is shown in inkscape (1) and anywhere else (2), for example in windows explorer which is examplary for Acrobat and anyother program. You will notice that the next figure 127BK is shown properly, demonstrating that with the first figure there is something fishy.
Thanks for your help
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