I wonder what the current status of a native Inkscape version for OS X (ever since the first announced good news) is (the wiki doesn't really help [me, at least]).
To cut it short: * I love Inkscape * OS X is my primary development platform these days (I do have flavours of Windows and GNU/Linux available for testing and special tasks, I'd like to cut that down to testing) * I want my Intuos tablet to work properly with the calligraphy tool (did I mention that I love Inkscape?) * I'd rather pump € worth of a CS3 Illustrator (missed opportunity, as far as I'm concerned ;-) license into a worhtwhile project, if that helps (I don't drink beer anyway [0] :-)
[0] Seriously, I encourage everyone thinking about the issue if you can afford it at all -- personally, I'm not exactly getting rich but wealthy enough to start thinking about it. I've gotten more out of free software (or whatever your label is) than I could ever pay back, which is not say that I shouldn't pay back at all, anywhere. Now that I could afford Adobe products, I'd rather invest into freedom (and to me, there are no 'leechers', 'undecided professionals' maybe, which is unconditionally fine :).
Thanks, Eric