Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:
bulia byak escribió:
On 3/29/07, Gian Paolo Mureddu <thetargos@...155...> wrote:
One question about this, if the gradients will be editable directly through the stops on the object, how will you pick the color for each stop and define each stop? I assume for that purpose the dialog will still be needed and then you're able to further edit?
No. Any gradient stop behaves just like an object: select it and assign any color to it (from palette, or by Paste Style, or fill&stroke, etc). You don't need a dialog for styling gradient stops specifically.
Ohh, that sounds rather intestesting... And how do you add more stops, like adding a node in a path? (this is actually very interesting!)
You can either double click on the gradient line where you would like the new stop or Ctrl+Alt+Click to add one on the gradient line.