On 2013-06-12 19:10 +0100, Susan Spencer wrote:
Today's Inkscape update resulted in an error on my laptop with Ubuntu 12.04. If no one else can corroborate problems with today's Ubuntu Software Center Inkscape update then I won't post it on Launchpad.
*Errors were encountered while processing:*
- knotter*
*Error in function: * *Setting up knotter (0.9.3-2) ...* */var/lib/dpkg/info/knotter.postinst: 3: /var/lib/dpkg/info/knotter.postinst: update-menus: not found* *dpkg: error processing knotter (--configure):*
- subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit
status 127*
Not sure - could this actually be a knotter packaging bug, fixed in just released v0.9.4?
https://github.com/mbasaglia/Knotter/issues/114 http://knotter.mattbas.org/Version/0.9.4#Bug_Fixes http://sourceforge.net/p/knotter/code/ci/b035a626bb292da797276afd522bf01f166575d3/#diff-2