10 Jan
10 Jan
4:53 p.m.
Up spake Steffen Glückselig:
You are right, bitmap tracing isn't currently spectacular. You need to help the tracer along by e.g. removing shading or decomposing the image into several parts (in the GIMP). You might also get better results on the command-line; inkscape's front-end has fewer options to tweak than the command-line interface.
I've already removed the colored background and increased contrast. I couldn't find settings that would produce a nice result, though. Any recommendations?
Other than the above, not really. Can you tell us more about what sort of images you're tracing, or (if they're small) post a (url to a) sample?
They accused us of suppressing freedom of expression.
This was a lie and we could not let them publish it.
-- Nelba Blandon, Nicaraguan Interior Ministry Director of Censorship