Lars Behrens wrote:
Am Sonntag, 3. April 2005 04:24 schrieb fretfind@...248...:
I have started to post my experience with learning about writing inkscape extensions in python, in case there are others who are as clueless as I am and could benefit even from bad examples.
Hi Aaron,
I tried to follow your tutorial but failed already at the start :-\
<group show-effects-menu="1" id="extensions" />
to preferences.xml doesn't show a new menu here (Inkie 0.41). Is there a particular place in the preferences.xml where it should be written?
Well my old ~/.inkscape/preferences.xml file was a bit of a mess so I moved it and allowed inkscape to generate a new one. What seems to be necessary when starting with a fresh preferences.xml is simply adding the 'show-effects-menu="1"' attribute to the group with 'id="extensions"' that is near the bottom of the file. You won't need to create a new group if one already exists.
I'll go change my page. Thanks. Aaron Spike