In article <1142437587.3805.21.camel@...151...>, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
Converting Psychedelic poster.svg to Psychedelic poster.pdf ... org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null Enclosed Exception: The current document is unable to create an element of the requested type (namespace:, name: flowRoot).
flowRoot (i.e. Flowed Text) is an SVG 1.2 proposed object type. Batik is an SVG 1.1 renderer.
Change the flowRoot objects to regular text (Text->Convert to Text) and try Batik again.
Doing so let Batik run without producing any errors, but the PDF it produced isn't quite right. Adobe Reader refuses to open it, saying "An unrecognized token '-3.662109375E-4' was found.". Kpdf opens it, and while there is indeed transparency in the right parts of the image, in other parts there is transparency where there shouldn't be any!
Regards, Tristan