This is a short reply but I am pressed for time. I was working with this for a bit and found a nice simple compromise. All I did was include my TeX commands in text boxes and then exported to eps. Then I used the psfrag package to handle the latex for me. You cant just put the commands in a text box, it must be encapsulated by \TeX{ command } I think. it is all documented in the psfrag package. Hope this points you in the right way.
On Monday 17 October 2005 09:34 am, Francesc Serra Graells wrote:
Hello to all,
This is my first message to the list, so it may be duplicated or not adequate. Sorry in advance!
I am really enjoying Inkscape, specially in conjunction with TeX for scientific documentation. However, I miss the possibility of importing TeX material (e.g. complex labels and maths).
After some tests, I think that a transparent way to implement the above feature could be through the following script:
- Open a text box to input TeX commands (e.g. text)
- Run copy header.tex + text + footer.tex > clip.tex
- Run pdfelatex clip.tex
- Run pstoedit -dt -f svg clip.pdf clip.svg
- File-Import: clip.svg
- Run delete clip.*
where header.tex could be something like:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty}
and footer.tex:
I have tested this path manually under MSWindows using pstoedit 3.42 without problems. I know the SVG backend of pstoedit is not freeware, but as long as text is converted to curves by -dt, the output does not seem distorted (e.g. fontname distortion).
Does Inkscape supply any scripting to perform all the above tasks in order to integrate them as a simple menu option?
Thanks for your answers.
Best regards,