On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 12:56, Peter Polinak wrote:
I use Inkscape 0.38cvs, and I cannot find any pattern fill features, however on the homepage I could find some screenshots of the 0.37 version (6th, 7th and 9th pictures from above), on which one can clearly see that in the Fill and Stroke dialog, there are two extra options beside "No Paint", "Paint", "Linear Gradient" , and "Radial Gradient" . I guess these are some kind of Pattern Fill features. Where do they come from, and why do I not have them??
From where do these features come from, why do I not have, and how could I
have them?
Thanks for your answer!
The features have crude implementations already, but the actual GUI for them was never implemented. There was a breif period in CVS where the buttons for those fill types were accidentally enabled, and apparently that snuck into some of the screenshots.
Hopefully we'll get real UI for some of this soon; I think that's going to be a focus during the next few releases.