I have just brought down the latest win package with Fresh Download. There were no problems at all. Thanks for the suggestions to use a download manager. Now to see if this win version works . :-)
I have this problem all the time on windows. But I have no problem downloading with wget on linux. You might try finding a wget for win32. Or even more fun, you might just try compiling from CVS. It is easy, and there are a bunch of guys around to help you get going. (First order of business would be to get TortoiseCVS installed. :) )
I don't think that this is a Windows problem per se. I use Fresh Download as my download manager and the symptoms presented are a severe throttling of the download after about 14 Mbytes. As I regularly use the same environment and tools to fetch complete ISO CDs, it would seem that the problem, whatever it is, is upstream of the end user system.
As I write, Fresh Download has just struggled to complete the download so maybe it would be worth a try by others with this problem? It takes a long time, but it gets there!!
Peter HB