On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 11:46:39PM -0700, Christopher Ellison wrote:
Hi, I'd like inquire about some features.
Hiya Christopher
The clone tool:
First of all, it reminds me of Geometer's Sketchpad...a program I used while in high school to make complex geometric drawings. It would be nice if Inkscape implemented some features of Geometer's Sketchpad as, IMHO, it would make drawing easier.
I would encourage you to browse through Inkscapes "Request for Enhancement" tracker and check to see if all of those features are already requested. If so, then add your own thoughts to the item. If not, then you're welcome to add a new request. Make your feature description as descriptive as appropriate, perhaps even including screenshots or mockups if it may help.
Of course, no promises that the feature will get implemented any time soon, but at least this way it'll be "on the books" and not forgotten about. ;-)
Also, if you can code and are interested in working on implementing features like these, know that it's pretty straightforward to get your work included in the codebase. We've had a number of developers that started off just as users with an itch to scratch, that wanted to implement a few features, and that ended up becoming key contributors to the project. We view 'developer' and 'user' not as distinct roles but rather as two points on a continuum; pretty much every developer on Inkscape started as a user, and we figure more users will follow this progression too.